CJAR demands public consultation on revised Memorandum of Procedure
The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms has sent a letter to Finance Minister, Mr. Arun Jaitley, demanding public consultation on the appointment procedure for Supreme Court and High Court Judges, which is being revamped

The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms and Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy organised a consultation on the memorandum of procedure for appointment of Supreme Court and High Court Judges. A draft with proposed changes to the memorandum of proecedure along with a demand for public consultation before finalising the memoradum have been sent in a letter to the Union Finance Minister, Mr. Arun Jaitley.
CJAR’s proposed changes to the Memorandum of Procedure read more
Letter to Mr. Arun Jaitley demanding public consultation on Memorandum read more
Live law:
Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms demands public consultation on draft MoP