Home / Endorsers – Organisations & Individuals
  • Abhyudaya
  • Academy for Socio Legal Studies
  • Action Aid International – India
  • Action India
  • Anhad
  • Asha Ashram
  • Bal Vikas Dhara
  • Campaign against Child Labour
  • Campaign for Survival and Dignity
  • Centre for Civil Society
  • Centre for Media Studies
  • Combat Law
  • Committee for Judicial Accountability
  • Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
  • DAMU
  • Delhi Forum
  • Delhi Shramik Sanghthan
  • Ekta Parishad
  • Hammal Panchayat, Pune
  • Harit Recyclers Association
  • Hazards Centre
  • Housing and Land Rights Network
  • Human Rights Law Defenders
  • Human Rights Law Network
  • India Social Institute
  • Intercultural Resources
  • ITDP
  • Jagori
  • Jan Sangharsh Vahini
  • Janhit Manch, Mumbai
  • Jhuggi Basti Sangharsh Morch, Indore
  • Kashtakari Sanghathan, Dhanu
  • Labour Education and Development Society, Jaipur
  • Sneh Bandhan Society
  • Lok Raj Sangathan
  • Lok Shasan Andolan, Pune
  • Mahila Chetna Kendra
  • Mahila Kalpana Shakti
  • MKSS – Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sanghathan
  • Mumbai Mahanagar Vyapari Seva Parishad
  • National Alliance for Peoples Movement
  • Natural Heritage First
  • Navdanya
  • National Campaign for People’s Right to Information
  • National Council for Workers’ Rights
  • National Federation of Indian Women
  • Nidan, Patna
  • Nirmana
  • NISHAN-Upholding Rights and Justice
  • Nyayabhoomi (www.nyayabhoomi.org)
  • Parivartan
  • Patri Dukandar Sangathan, Lucknow
  • People’s Cultural Centre
  • Peoples News Network
  • Plachimada Solidarity Committee, Plachimada
  • PUCL
  • PUDR
  • Public Cause Research Foundation (PCRF)
  • Ridge Bachao Andolan
  • Sahyog Trust
  • Samaj Parivartan Samudaya, Dharwad
  • Save The Children-UK
  • Socio Eco Reforms and Research Centre
  • Transparency International India
  • Unorganized Labour, Pune
  • Uttar Pradesh Land Alliance
  • Vigyan Foundation, Lucknow
  • Vision Foundation



  • Antony Arulraj
  • Prof Arun Kumar
  • Bela Bhatia
  • Dhananjay Tingal
  • Videh Upadhayay

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