Former Arunachal CM Kalikho Pul’s suicide note ruffles feathers in Delhi’s legal circles
For the last few days, a 60-page suicide note recovered from the eastern-most State in India has ruffled quite a few feathers in New Delhi. The note was purportedly written by a former Chief Minister

For the last few days, a 60-page suicide note recovered from the eastern-most State in India has ruffled quite a few feathers in New Delhi. The note was purportedly written by a former Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Kalikho Pul.
Aside from the authenticity of the note, which is itself being contested, the contents of the letter itself contain some shocking allegations.
The note was first published by The Wire on February 8. Later The Quint also carried a story. Both the stories did not take any names contained in the note. Subsequently, the note began circulating on social media and Whatsapp and has now been published in full without any redactions by Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms.
What strikes a reader first is the language and length of the note. The note runs up to 60 pages and is written in Hindi, a language not very common in that part of the world. The note is titled “Mere Vichar” (My thoughts).
The Quint itself has published an explanatory piece regarding the language of the note stating that the former CM was adept in Hindi.
What has sent the legal world into tizzy, however, is that the note names four judges of Supreme Court for having allegedly taken/ demanded bribes. Two of them are sitting judges.
The letter is replete with allegations of “bika hua” court and judges and is especially critical of the judgment delivered by a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court on July 13 last year. By way of that judgment, the Court had quashed the Governor’s decision of advancing the Assembly session in Arunachal Pradesh. This judgment led to the exit of Pul from the Chief Minister’s chair. Pul had subsequently committed suicide.
The note also strongly criticises the Congress party and certain Senior lawyers.
The main-stream media is yet to cover the story extensively, for various reasons – fear of contempt action by the Court being the primary concern. The discussion among lawyers is also limited to private conversations with only a few coming on record to make any statements.
The Quint has, however, reported that Pul’s wife has made the “first moves to lodge a criminal case against the judges”.
Neither the judiciary nor the executive has reacted to the episode yet.
Note: The earlier version of the story wrongly mentioned The Quint as having published the note first. It has been brought to our notice that The Wire carried the note first. The story has been updated accordingly.
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