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Justice Suresh Kait

The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms filed a complaint to the Chief Justice of India against the gross abuse of powers by Justice Suresh Kait

  • Name of Judge: Justice Suresh Kait
  • Post Held at Relevant Time: Additional Judge in the Delhi High Court
  • Current Status:
  • Analysis/Comment/Critique:   The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms filed a complaint to the Chief Justice of India against the gross abuse of powers by Justice Suresh Kait, a sitting Judge of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court appointed in September 2008.  The complaint urges inhouse proceedings against the Judge and that he may not be confirmed as a permanent Judge of the Delhi High Court. The complaint highlights the vindictive and malicious orders that were passed by Justice Kait that were calculated to intimidate a litigant. The orders were passed without jurisdiction or following due process,  and  confined the litigant to a mental health institute for 15 days with the following observation  – “it seems that he is suffering from some kind of mental disorder as he has been taking the Courts for granted and has been acting over-smart.” The order also abruptly  and unlawfully  denies him his inherent right to appear and argue in person.
  • Additional documents in support of critique:
  • CJAR’s complaint to CJI against Justice Suresh Kait : pdf
  • Details of individual / organisation writing critique:
    Name: Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms
    Address: 6/6 Basement, Jungpura B, Delhi – 110014
  • If the critique is in respect of a judge please provide a softcopy and/or hardcopy of the judgement



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